
You're among the first readers of this newly-created blog to house updates from the Development staff at ThriVe St. Louis. We're excited about this venue through which we can share our enthusiasm for creating a culture of philanthropy within our organization.

Please feel free to comment, publicly on this site or privately via email to me at

Terri D. Hunter
VP of Development
314-783-3040 ext 225

Friday, April 25, 2008

Why Bother?

As you may have noticed during the past several weeks, a great deal of Development energy has been spent - and will continue to be spent a while longer - planning and executing the Run&Walk 4 Life. Yet the Run&Walk, like most special events, won't raise a huge amount of immediate money, especially given the "production costs" of people-power and time. For the most part, special events are an inefficient way to raise money.

So why do them?

Because despite their short-term yield inefficiencies, special events create numerous ancillary fundraising opportunities and benefits. Here are some of the ways the Run&Walk will leverage ongoing support and major gift opportunities:

  • Publicity and Brand Marketing - We're using numerous methods for getting the word out, from church bulletin announcements to flier distribution to interviews with local media. This helps us take a crucial step forward to build visibility in the community. We'll be building on the event throughout the year to get our name and our mission as much publicity as possible. We've scheduled post-event interviews with Jamie Allman hosting the top individual and team fundraisers and will transition into guests more familiar with our programs...like Dr. Carolyn Martin!
  • Relationships - The event helps donors and potential donors connect with our mission and provides opportunity for more frequent contact and 'face time,' laying the groundwork for large gifts. By getting to know donors better and donor prospects quicker, we more easily identify prospects for major gift cultivation. Some of our 'little' donors have the capacity, the family or the friends for much bigger gifts. Immediately after the event, we'll begin targeted follow-up with those who have emerged as prospects for major giving, connecting their interests to our specific needs and endeavoring to direct their support and enthusiasm to host small group events, help expand our contacts and make multi-year gifts.
  • New donors - The event attracts new gifts and new givers. This helps us replace donors lost to natural attrition. Our aim is to cultivate new donors into solid annual contributors by consistent and meaningful communication.
  • Sponsorships - As the event grows and attracts more and more participants, sponsorship of the event becomes more attractive to businesses who might not otherwise contribute. The increase in participation this year over last year becomes a selling point for corporate sponsorship next year. With just a couple of months after this year's event, we'll begin soliciting sponsors for next year's event.
  • Volunteers - We're developing volunteer leaders through event committee service with the ultimate goal - a few years down the road - for the event to be volunteer-driven rather than staff-driven.
Stay tuned...there's more to come.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

ThriVe About Town

Everybody's talking about ThriVe!

At 6:45 a.m., fueled with slices of E
rin's famous cinnamon bread, Jamie Allman and Crane Durham hosted the second of four planned interviews with ThriVe spokespersons. Their guest this morning was ThriVe's newest board member, Rachel Mansfield, who articulately conveyed her enthusiasm and conviction for our mission. Thank you, Rachel!

On Wednesday, April 30, at 8:30 a.m., Allman and Crane will welcome Gail Robinson, A2A Program Manager and Trisha, former A2A client to discuss our Alternatives to Abortion services.

Across town at Bott Radio Network this afternoon, Harold Hendricks is interviewing Rachel Porter – Run&Walk 4 Life 2008 Co-Chair and her husband, Jason Porter – Pastor of the Fellowship of Weldon Springs. They have recently adopted a one year old little girl and are very supportive of our organization. The interview will cover the Run&Walk 4 Life and ThriVe St. Louis and its programs. Th
e interview will be taped this afternoon and will air in the next several days. Details to follow.

Pick up a current issue of Metrovoice and read all about the upcoming Run&Walk 4 Life 2008 to start from our City location - 4331 Lindell Blvd - on May 10th. Watch for a post-event follow-up in the July issue.


...at their next meeting, St. Norberts 7th Grade Girl Scouts are creating thank you cards for our 60 active volunteers

...Channel 5 has invited us to promote ThriVe and the Run&Walk as part of their Show Me St. Louis program on Thursday, May 8 at 2:30 p.m. for airing at 3 p.m. We'll need volunteers to meet at the Channel 5 studio and be excited! Details to follow.

...we have distributed over 15,000 flyers for the Run&Walk 4 Life

...$16,000 has come in through online fund-raising

...over 280 runners and walkers have registered for the event

...and here's a preview of the event t-shirt - IT'S GOING TO LOOK GREAT ON YOU!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Pilgrims and Strangers

Congratulations to Carolyn Martin, Vicki and David Kozeny, and Cheryl Matejka for correctly answering last week’s springtime riddle, “If April showers, bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?”


To those journeying with us as “strangers and pilgrims on the earth,”we’re hopeful that you’re planning for the Run&Walk 4 Life on Saturday, May 10. Click here for event details and register, volunteer or donate today for the 10th anniversary of this important celebration of life!

Jamie Allman – Allman and Crane in the Morning, 97.1 FM Talk - continues his series of interviews with ThriVe representatives on:

Thursday, April 24 at 6:45 a.m.

Wednesday, April 30 at 8:30 a.m.

Monday, May 5 at 8:45 a.m.

You can convey your appreciation to Jamie for his enthusiastic support by sending a quick email.

As you may imagine, much development activity for the next three weeks will be focused on the Run&Walk as Erin and her committee put the final elements in place. As of today:

  • 244 people are registered to date (145 total registered in 2007
  • Over $35,000 has been collected ($21,290 total raised in 2007)
  • Over 15 churches or individuals have reengaged. These are supporters that fell off the map from 2005 to now.
  • Churches that have participated in the past by sending a few walkers have now taken up the event as a congregation wide activity. A good example is Central Presbyterian Church – 5 different ministries have signed up teams and they are creating team t-shirts for their walkers.
  • We have 10 new groups that are actively recruiting runners/walkers/volunteers and funds.
  • Five Catholic Churches/schools have actively engaged in the event to date that have had no contact in the past.
  • Four schools are actively advertising the event to their student body.
  • The Right to Life Apostolate placed an announcement in all Catholic Parish bulletins in the region.

In addition, Mark and I are contacting and visiting with donors who traditionally make springtime gifts. We are also encouraging all donors who claim tax credits to send in their applications sooner rather than later so that we may receive further allocation of credits before the end of June.

Please hold all our efforts in your prayers!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

April Showers of Blessings

Since April showers bring May flowers, we’re expecting the city to be in full bloom by May 10, the day of the 10th annual Run&Walk 4 Life. Ten seems to be the magic number – on this 10th day of April, as online donations for the event have today reached and exceeded $10,000! ($10,139 to be exact.) If you have not yet set up a fundraising page and would like help in doing so, please call Erin at 314-783-3040 ext 224.

On four occasions during the remaining weeks leading up to the Run&Walk, Jamie Allman will be interviewing someone or a group of people from ThriVe on his 97.1 FM Talk morning show, Allman and Crane in the Morning. This week, it was our Best Choice peer speakers. If you’ve not already received a link to this energetic discussion, Click here to hear the interview!

The schedule continues on April 21, when Jamie will chat with our newest Board member, Rachel Mansfield. On April 28, a Pregnancy Resource Center client is scheduled to visit the show and on May 5, Run&Walk 4 Life event chairperson Rachel Porter will be Jamie’s guest. If you miss the on air interviews, you’ll be able to hear them on our website. From the home page, click on “About Us” and then on “Press” in the blue box in the lower right-hand corner.

Erin will continue to spread the word about the Run and our mission at the St. Louis University ‘Run for Their Lives’ on Saturday, another race event sponsored by the SLU pro-life committee. She’ll be hosting a table and presenting at Chatham Bible Church on Sunday. If your church, neighborhood, business, school or civic organization would like to learn more about our mission, please call me to request information or to schedule a speaker – 783-3040 ext 225.

We’re getting great response to our ‘spring cleaning’ mailing to churches. We sent letters to over 140 churches who have been active donors at some point in the past few years, asking for corrections and updates to the information we had in our database. As a result, we have renewed relationships with some churches that had been inactive since 2005.

The St. Charles chapter of Lutherans for Life has stepped forward with an offer to assist with the expansion of the St. Charles center. The group anticipates being able to help in a variety of ways!

Further, our cultivation of individual donors has proven fruitful this week, with several supporters pledging increased levels of giving in 2008.

And just to see if you’re paying attention – you can win four general admission passes to the Missouri Botanical Garden if you’re the first person to correctly answer my favorite springtime riddle…

“If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?” Email your answers and enter as often as your wisdom allows!