
You're among the first readers of this newly-created blog to house updates from the Development staff at ThriVe St. Louis. We're excited about this venue through which we can share our enthusiasm for creating a culture of philanthropy within our organization.

Please feel free to comment, publicly on this site or privately via email to me at

Terri D. Hunter
VP of Development
314-783-3040 ext 225

Friday, March 14, 2008

Identifying Prospective Donors

A visit with any of our program managers will identify dramatic needs and projects that merit attention. Almost without exception, what impedes critical needs and worthwhile projects is the lack of funding. And the quest for funding, as you all know, is led by Development.

Although we have made progress during the past year, there is much more that must be accomplished. One of our immediate goals is to maintain a steady inflow of donor prospects to help increase the number of regular supporters and replace donors lost to natural attrition.

Churches are one place to find prospective donors, so Erin is charged with building and strengthening church relations and she has worked feverishly during the past several months to do just that! We have been invited to speak, to provide mission materials and bulletin inserts, or to participate in mission fairs for more churches in the past three months than we have in the previous nine months combined. And, we're recruiting new volunteers and receiving more in-kind donations from churches, too.

Erin's contact with churches has been targeted to promote involvement in the Run&Walk 4 Life 2008 and as of today, we have 50% of the number of registrations and 20% of the total income raised during the 2007 Walk event!

If you have questions about our church relations program, or would like to request information or a speaker for your congregation, please call Erin at 314-783-3040 ext 224 or send an email to eherwig@thrivestlouis.org.

Another avenue through which we are introduced to prospective donors is by referral from existing donors. We strive to maintain clear and consistent communication with our regular donors to keep them aware of our programs, our progress, and opportunities for further funding. We invite them to bring friends for tours of our City center to introduce them to our mission.

Donors and potential donors are most moved by hearing how their contributions help individual people. We can show people where we counsel clients or show them the ultrasound room, but it makes a far greater impact when we present a true-life and compelling story to illustrate a human need. Please help us keep that 'story bank' full by sharing your successes, challenges and prayer requests with us by email to me at thunter@thrivestlouis.org or call 314-783-3040 ext 225.

Speaking of prayer requests, this one is for Angie Davis. Her story is chronicled at http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com/ where she wrote "We are not praying because we believe that God will heal our Audrey. We don't know that He will. We are praising Him because He can."

Truly He can.

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