
You're among the first readers of this newly-created blog to house updates from the Development staff at ThriVe St. Louis. We're excited about this venue through which we can share our enthusiasm for creating a culture of philanthropy within our organization.

Please feel free to comment, publicly on this site or privately via email to me at

Terri D. Hunter
VP of Development
314-783-3040 ext 225

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Why Stop Now?

The end of our fiscal year is just over two weeks away and several initiatives are in progress, aimed at closing FY2008 in the best possible position.
  • We mailed the 519 donors who had given last year, but not yet this year, asking for their continued support with a gift larger than their previous giving.
  • We're calling everyone (60 people) who gave for tax credits last year, but has not yet given this year, offering credits from our remaining allocation for gifts received by June 30, 2008.
  • We're meeting weekly with existing donors and prospects to cultivate the greatest level of giving.
  • To capitalize on the success of the run&walk 4 Life, over 5,000 current and past friends and supporters are being asked to revisit their participation (or lack of) and push the event to an even higher level through our Why Stop Now? Why Stop Ever? appeal. We are asking for one-time or recurring gifts, prayer, and volunteer support. More information is posted on our website.
Partnerships, cooperative ventures and collaborations offer opportunity for greater exposure and impact; we are pleased to be working in several organizations this summer.
  • We have begun our partnership with Churches for Life - Erin will have updates and an action plan within the next few weeks.
  • ThriVe will have a booth, staffed by Best Choice and Pregnancy Resource Center program representatives, at the Christian Home Educators Fellowship Convention on June 23-25.
  • President/CEO Mark Dungan was a guest on Allman and Crane in the Morning - 97.1 FM Talk on June 3. Visit the 'press' page of our website for recent additions.
  • We'll also have a booth at the Christian Family Expo on October 11, 2008. Along with our booth, we'll have a vendor listing on the Expo website. Some bugs are currently be worked out of the listing, but once resolved, you'll be able to write a review of our organization. Let people know why you are involved!
  • We are always grateful for volunteer support and are eager to help individuals and groups seeking volunteer placement. On Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next eight weeks, we'll be participating in Neighborhood Experiences, a project of St. Louis ARC. ARC will provide a volunteer and a staff partner to perform sundry office jobs - stuffing envelopes, unstuffing left-over goodie bags, inventorying promotional items, sorting run&walk t-shirts, and other appropriate tasks. The Neighborhood Experiences Project helps young people with developmental disabilities obtain summer volunteer and work experiences that will help them achieve their own personal and career goals. Each young person works one-on-one with an ARC staff partner to learn, have fun, make a difference, and gain skills that will empower them to thrive!

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