
You're among the first readers of this newly-created blog to house updates from the Development staff at ThriVe St. Louis. We're excited about this venue through which we can share our enthusiasm for creating a culture of philanthropy within our organization.

Please feel free to comment, publicly on this site or privately via email to me at

Terri D. Hunter
VP of Development
314-783-3040 ext 225

Thursday, July 24, 2008

News and Newsies

If you missed the article in the Metro section (page B2) of the Post-Dispatch on Tuesday, here's the link. All Centers were listed individually with addresses and phone numbers, along with a call for much-needed diapers and newborn supplies. Response has been wonderful!

In case you weren't tuned to 850 AM on Wednesday at 7:10 a.m., the ten minute interview with ThriVe President/CEO Mark Dungan will soon be available for on our website. KFUO is the nation's longest continuously running religious radio station and is housed on the Concordia Seminary campus in St. Louis.

Watch the South County and South City Suburban Journals for upcoming an interview and photo of Tracy Flori, South County Center Manager. The article will focus on Tracy's involvement with ThriVe, our ongoing need for baby supplies, and the critical need for our organization in the St. Louis community.

Our pregnancy resource program is a previous recipient of Old Newsboys funding and we are invited to apply again this year. We've also been asked to help recruit volunteers to sell the papers on the Thursday before Thanksgiving - Old Newsboys Day. (Thursday, November 20th.) If you've always wanted to be a newsie, call Erin at 314-783-3040 ext 224 - she'll help make your dream come true.

Talk and Tours are now being scheduled at our Central West End center for September 12, October 10 and November 14. If you have friends you'd like to introduce to our mission, a tour is a great opportunity to do so. These no-pressure, breakfast or lunch events are designed to provide information and education - no one will be asked for money at a Talk and Tour. We will follow up after the event with those who give us permission to do so. For more information or to reserve space, call me at 314-783-3040 ext 225.

We've just completed our Development Plan for FY09 and are compiling a menu of opportunities for investment in our mission, a tool for presentations to current and prospective donors. We're also developing a PowerPoint presentation and a corporate brochure that illustrate the critical need for our services and the impact they have to save and change lives.

And last, our Annual Report for FY07 - our last year as PRC - is back from the graphic designer and soon will be posted on our website. If you'd like a copy on disk, let me know.

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