
You're among the first readers of this newly-created blog to house updates from the Development staff at ThriVe St. Louis. We're excited about this venue through which we can share our enthusiasm for creating a culture of philanthropy within our organization.

Please feel free to comment, publicly on this site or privately via email to me at

Terri D. Hunter
VP of Development
314-783-3040 ext 225

Friday, February 22, 2008

Click Here to Read Our Newsletter Online!

As we continue to broaden our exposure and develop our website, the Winter issue of our Connections newsletter is now online and will be distributed beginning this weekend to nearly 8,000 current and prospective volunteers, donors, employees, businesses, youth ministers, life teams, churches, supporting organizations, collaborative partners, event participants, sponsors, prospective mission partners and board members...just to name a few!

This represents a 3,000 copy increase over previous issues in addition to those who will read it online! (You can view it online right now by clicking on the title of this post.)

We have a limited number of extras copies for your use. Please call our Development Administrative Assistant, Chris Blassingame, at 314-783-3040 ext 227 or email her at cblassingame@thrivestlouis.org to request additional copies.

If you have ideas or suggestions for newsletter content, Erin would love your feedback at eherwig@thrivestlouis.org. You may also reach Erin by phone at 314-783-3040 ext 224 or by cell, 471-3444.

And so you have all Development contact information in one post, my email address is thunter@thrivestlouis.org. You may reach me by phone at 314-783-3040 ext 225 or by cell, 314-740-9857.

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