
You're among the first readers of this newly-created blog to house updates from the Development staff at ThriVe St. Louis. We're excited about this venue through which we can share our enthusiasm for creating a culture of philanthropy within our organization.

Please feel free to comment, publicly on this site or privately via email to me at

Terri D. Hunter
VP of Development
314-783-3040 ext 225

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Our January goal was to involve 50 churches in the distribution of 5,000 ThriVe St. Louis bulletin inserts and to activate ThriVe St. Louis’ current volunteers and staff as speakers on the organization’s behalf.

Thanks to the hard work of at least 24 volunteers and staff members, 15 speakers delivered the ThriVe message at 14 church services while two organizations and 57 churches included ThriVe St. Louis in their SOHL activities, distributing nearly 10,000 of our bulletin inserts!

If you are interested in speaking on behalf of ThriVe at local organizations and churches, send an email to thunter@thrivestlouis.org. We'd love to visit with you about our Speakers' Bureau.

And, if you know of an organization that might enjoy hearing the ThriVe message, please let me know. We're always interested in opportunities to spread our message.

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